Purpose & Productivity

  • How To Stop Feeling Stuck In Life – 7 Practical Steps


    Have you been feeling like you’re stuck in life?  If you said yes, then I can totally relate to you. There were several days when I just felt stuck and I wasn’t sure what to do to change that.  But I decided to give it some serious thought so I could stop feeling stuck and […]

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  • How To Find Your Purpose In Life Through God


    “What’s my purpose?”  I’m sure that’s a question you have asked yourself before.  You want to know how you can make a difference and what direction you should be heading in.  So you have been looking for answers.  You’re not the only one.  Did you know that most people want more meaning and purpose in […]

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  • What To Do When You Feel Like You Have No Purpose In Life


    As human beings, we naturally want to know that our life has significance and meaning. We want to know that our lives matter.  We want to know our purpose, why God created us and what we should be doing with our lives.  But sometimes we don’t have the answer to those questions.  And that can […]

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  • Why Is It So Hard To Find Your Purpose In Life? – 3 Reasons


    I remember the first time I had a strong desire to find my purpose in life. I wanted to be intentional about the way I spend my time on Earth.  At the time, I had just learned about the Gospel of Salvation and I was excited. I grew up with a legalistic mindset of Christianity […]

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  • 27 Christian Girl Bucket List Ideas


    So let me guess…you’re reading this article because you’re a Christian who wants to add more enriching activities and experiences to your life.  And you probably want to be more intentional about living out this Christian walk. Well, if that’s you, you’re in the right place because I have compiled a list of 27 things […]

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  • How To Journal For Self-Growth


    Do you want to be a better version of yourself? Do you have big goals and dreams for your life but you haven’t been taking action? Or do you feel like your life is stagnant?  If you found yourself nodding to any of those questions, then that’s a sign that it is time to be […]

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  • How To Get A Good Night Sleep And Wake Up Refreshed -10 Tips


    Do you find it difficult to fall asleep at night?  And do you keep twisting and turning trying to find the perfect sleep position that will allow you to drift off into dreamland? Do you wish you could get a good night’s sleep so you can be more energized and productive throughout your day? If […]

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  • How to Create a Christian Night Routine


    Are you a Christian who wants to have a good night’s rest? Do you want to wake up feeling rested, refreshed and ready to start your day? And do you want to spend more quiet time with God? Well, if you said yes, then you need to create an effective and personalized Christian night routine.  […]

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