
If you’re a Christian, then you know that sharing the Gospel is very important. More than likely, you want to start sharing your faith regularly but maybe you’re not sure how to do so. 

And that’s why I decided to write this article to help you get started. 

In this blog post, I’m sharing with you 5 ways to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

What is the Gospel?

As a Christian, I’m pretty sure your Pastor or other Christians have encouraged you to share the Gospel. But it’s difficult to share the Gospel if you don’t know what it is.

So what’s the Gospel?

The Gospel is the Good News that God loves us so much that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins so we can live eternally with Him instead of being eternally separated from Him. 

That’s the simplified version of the Gospel. Here are some more details that will help you to understand even more. 

God created human beings and He wanted to have close fellowship with us. But man disobeyed God and when that happened, sin entered the world and with sin came spiritual death (Romans 5:12).

The Bible tells us that the penalty for sin is death (Romans 6:23). But this is a spiritual death so we will be eternally separated from God who is our Creator and the very source of our life. 

The Bible tells us that the only way to cancel the penalty of sin is that blood has to be shed (Hebrews 9:22). But the blood has to be the blood of one who is perfect or sinless. 

Only God is sinless so only God’s blood can cancel the penalty of sin which is death (eternal separation from God).

So God sent His Son, Jesus Christ in the form of a human being to shed His blood so the penalty of sin could be canceled. 

He then gives the gift of eternal life to everyone who believes that Jesus Christ died for their sins.

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about the gospel and how to share it with non-believers, make sure to check out the related article. 

Related Article: How To Share The Gospel With A Non-Believer (Step-by-Step)

5 Ways To Share The Gospel

Now that you know the Gospel, let’s look at 5 ways you can share it with others. 

You can choose the method that’s best for you based on your personality, resources and what you’re comfortable doing. 

Here are 5 ways you can share the gospel with non-believers. 

1) Face to Face

One of the most common ways we communicate with others is face to face.

Technology is great and it definitely helps us to stay in touch with friends and family. It can even help us to meet new friends. But there’s still something very special about having conversations face to face. It really helps you to connect with the person, hear their voice and read their body language. 

Everyday we see people and sometimes we have brief or extended conversations with them.  In these conversations, you get to talk to them freely, with enthusiasm and you get responses in real time as they give you their undivided attention.

And that’s why sharing the gospel face to face is one of the best ways. 

It helps you to connect with the person and gives them a chance to ask questions and clarify any misunderstanding. 

You also get to read their body language so you can pick up on what they really want to tell you even if they are not willing to do so verbally. 

You can start by sharing your testimony with friends and family. Or you can tell share the Gospel using Bible verses. 

How To Share The Gospel Face To Face

One of the best ways to share the Gospel face to face is to use the Romans Road to Salvation Method.  It’s a step by step way that helps the listener to understand that they need a Savior and that Savor is Jesus Christ. 

The Bible verses used in this method typically include:

  • 1 John 5:13
  • Romans 3:10
  • Romans 3:23
  • Romans 6:23
  • Romans 5:8
  • Romans 10:9-13

2) Social Media

The next way to share the gospel is by using social media. 

I know some persons prefer to stay away from social media because they see it as a distraction. But if you’re someone who uses social media then you can use it for the advancement of God’s kingdom. You can use it as a tool for evangelism.

The truth is that social media has been used for networking, career growth, marketing, business growth and other aspects of life. 

So why can’t you use it to share the Gospel which is Good News that could positively change someone’s life forever? 

You can choose to be intentional about using social media for evangelism by posting faith-based content. 

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and even WhatsApp are used by millions of people. This means that you can use these platforms to reach thousands and even millions of people.

Imagine sharing your testimony or the Gospel and it ends up impacting hundreds or thousands of people in a positive way.

Well, you can do so if you choose to intentionally use social media as a tool for evangelism. Let’s look at how you can use some of the platforms. 


  • Make a long post sharing your testimony 
  • Share a link to a blog post or YouTube video that explains the Gospel in a simple way
  • Post Bible verses related to salvation


  • Post a reel with a shortened version of your testimony 
  • Share the Gospel in a 1 minute reel
  • Make a static post with Bible verses related to the Gospel 

YouTube or TikTok

  • Make a video sharing your testimony 
  • Explain the gospel in a clear way using a whiteboard or animation
  • Make a video sharing why you are a Christian 

3) Pamphlets or Brochures

When I was younger, it was common to see Christian pamphlets and brochures being distributed in public spaces. 

Nowadays, they are not so common but it’s still one of the ways you can share the Gospel. 

You can hand out brochures and pamphlets that your church has already created. 

Or you can make your own. This is a good way because you can add your creativity. If you choose to create your own, you can use the Romans Road To Salvation Method to explain the Gospel. 

Then you can choose to distribute them in the nearest cities and towns. 

You can also leave them at some offices that have a waiting area like a Doctors office. However, if you choose to leave them at these offices, ensure you ask permission before doing so. 

4) Art

When people think about sharing the Gospel, they don’t normally think about using Art. 

But Art is definitely one of the ways you can share the Gospel. 

When I talk about Art, I’m talking about songs, poems, painting etc. 

Are you talented in these areas? Why not write and record about the Gospel? You can upload it to YouTube so it can reach many people. 

You can also ask someone to sing the song or say the poem if you’re shy. And if you’re a painter, why not create a work of art that depicts the love of Christ and His sacrifice to redeem us?

Are you good at writing poems? Why not write a poem and record it. You can even do a Spoken Word piece. Likewise you can record it and upload it to YouTube. 

Here is an example of a poem that shares the Gospel.

5) Christian Merch

When I was in university, I realized that many students wore graphic T-Shirts which means they had unique designs, quotes or words on them.

And I noticed that I was always trying to read them. Sometimes the message would Iinger in my mind as I thought about the meaning. 

This made my realize that Graphic T-shirts, mugs and car bumper stickers are great ways to share the Gospel.

One of the best things about this method is that you don’t have to say a word to anyone. So if you’re shy or introverted, you can share the Gospel without coming out of your comfort zone.

You can search for appropriate T-shirts, mugs, stickers, etc. Online and start wearing or using them as an evangelism tool. 

They can even serve as conversations starters because some people may approach you because they like the words. 

So you can choose to share the Gospel face to face at that point or you can share a YouTube video or blog post with them. 

Recommended Article: My Salvation Story


If you share the gospel with someone and they reach out to you and show interest in accepting Jesus Christ as his/her Savior, then you can pray with them. 

Here’s a prayer that you can use as a guide. 

Dear Jesus, 

I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that You died for my sins and that God raised You from the dead. Forgive me of all my sins; come into my heart today and live forever. Give me a home in Heaven when I die. Help me to obey you. Amen.


I’m so glad that you’re searching for ways to share the Gospel. One of the most impactful things you can do on this earth is share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I hope this article was helpful and that it gave you some ideas and insights. 

Remember you can share the gospel through: 

  1. Face to face conversations
  2. Social media posts on WhatsApp Status, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. 
  3. Distribution of pamphlets or brochures
  4. Art – Songs and poems
  5. Christian Merch like T-shirts and stickers

If you want to learn more about sharing the Gospel with non-believers, I highly recommend that you read my related blog post linked below. 

Related Blog Post: How To Share The Gospel With A Non-Believer (Step-by-Step)

If you have any questions, you can message me on Instagram (@rejoicingwithpurpose).