A few weeks ago I had an epiphany.

One of my greatest desires is to really make a difference in the lives of others. So I thought about some of the ways that I could achieve this.

I wondered what I could do that would have the greatest impact on others.

Then it hit me!

If I want to make a difference in the lives of others then I need to introduce them to Jesus because He will make the biggest difference.

Some people are faced with many challenges – challenges that often seem insurmountable and challenges that are deeply rooted.

Interestingly, an encounter with Jesus can result in the kind of difference that you only dreamed of because an encounter with Him is transformational.

It changes the heart and mind and gives a fresh new perspective and direction.

Encounters with Jesus often leave persons with unexpectedness. It is never how they think it would be. They are always changed or challenged.

Do you want to know what happens when you have an encounter with Jesus? Well, let’s look at some Bible encounters with Jesus.

List of Encounters With Jesus In The Bible

Here are some of Jesus’s interactions with others.

1) Zacchaeus

Zacchaeus was a wealthy tax collector and after his encounter with Jesus, he felt led to give half of his possessions to the poor. He was willing to give four times the amount to those he might have robbed.

It was definitely a life-changing experience that gave him a new perspective on life and he received salvation.

When we meet Jesus, it shifts our focus and we are redirected to what truly matters. Earthly possessions and wealth may bring temporary satisfaction but they will never fill the voids that we have.

2) The Woman at the Well/The Samaritan Woman

The Samaritan woman came to the well just to fetch water but her encounter with Jesus caused her to leave that well as a disciple and an evangelist.

The experience was liberating and she wanted others to experience that freedom and the joy of salvation that she had experienced because of her encounter with Jesus.

It was a life-changing experience. She thought she was just going to collect water but she left with so much more.

If you want to learn more about Jesus’s encounter with the Woman at the Well, check out this article:

Related Article: 4 Evangelism Lessons From John Chapter 4

3) The Woman Caught in Adultery

A woman was caught in adultery and brought before Jesus. It was customary in that culture that a woman who committed adultery should be stoned.

When she met Jesus, she must have thought that she would have been condemned or stoned to death. Instead, she left with a new perspective and with her sins forgiven. She had a new lease on life.

4) Saul

Saul of Tarsus became Paul the apostle after his encounter with Jesus and he was led into his purpose.

He had a new direction in life. Saul was heading to Damascus with the intent to persecute Christians. On his way, he was struck by a bright light that left him blind.

At that moment, Jesus spoke to him and that encounter led him into prayer and fasting which eventually led him into his purpose.

It was truly an unexpected meeting but it made a remarkable difference in his life. Paul (formerly called Saul) found true joy and lasting satisfaction in Christ and serving him.

A man that was once persecuting Christians was now shepherding them and encouraging them to press on to the mark of the high calling.

Recommended Resource: Free Bible Study Sheets

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5) Rich Young Ruler

A rich young man asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life and he was told to sell his possessions and give to the poor and follow Jesus.  

His encounter left him sad but it gave him something to contemplate. It must have led him to contemplate whether he wanted God or riches.

Nevertheless, he must have left with a different perspective. He must have realized what was first place in his life and whether or not he was willing to pay the cost that is required to follow Christ.

6) The Dying Thief

Jesus was crucified between two thieves. While they were on the cross, one of the thieves asked Jesus to remember Him when He came in His kingdom. His encounter led to salvation.

7) Pontius Pilate

Pontius Pilate was a Roman governor that Jesus was brought before the crucifixion. Pilate’s encounter must have given him something to think about. Pilate was left asking ‘what is truth?”. His focus was redirected.

8) Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was possessed with seven demons. She was delivered after her encounter with Jesus. She was one of the women who got the message from the angel that Jesus rose from the dead and they were among the first to see the risen Saviour and worshipped Him (Matthew 28).


I hope this list of encounters with Jesus in the Bible was helpful.

Those who had an encounter with Jesus were either delivered, led into a life of purpose, got a new perspective on life or received joy, hope, peace and love.

If you want any of these then look to Jesus because they are found in Him and introduce others to Him so they can experience the transformation in their lives.

Comment below and share how Jesus has made a difference in your life. Your testimony is a witnessing tool.

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