
Are you a Christian woman who wants to grow on your faith walk with Jesus? 

Are you wondering what are some Christian essentials or must haves that can help you on this faith walk? 

Well, in today’s blog post, I’m sharing with you 11 Christian Essentials or Must-Haves. 

These are things that have helped me along my faith walk. They have helped to strengthen my faith in God. And they also help me to stay encouraged when I feel disheartened. 

11 Christian Essentials for Spiritual Growth

Here are the 11 essentials that I recommend for faith walk as a Christian. 

This post may contain Amazon Affiliate Links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended.

1) Study Bible

The first thing on this list is a Study Bible. 

I highly recommend a Study Bible instead of just a regular Bible because Study Bibles come with notes that can help you to understand the text and context. 

Some even have background information, notes about the authors and maps to help you visualize the setting. 

They can also help you to link information from the Old Testament to the New Testament so you can easily see that the Bible is one big story about reconciliation unto God. 

Most Study Bibles have an index of topics that can help you to do a topical study on subject matters such as God’s provision, faith or joy.

These Bibles come in different translations so it’s up to you decide which translation you prefer. Make sure you choose a translation that you can understand. 

It doesn’t make sense to choose a translation that has Old English if you don’t understand what you’re reading.

I know people normally recommend the King James Version because they believe it is quite accurate. 

But it’s best to read the New King James Version so you can read words that you are more familiar with.

In the King James Version, you will see terms like “Thou” and “Thee”. However, in the New King James Version, you see familiar terms like “You” and “Me”.

Here are some other translations that are quite easy to read: 

  • New International Version (NIV)
  • New Living Translation (NLT)

The Study Bible I currently use is The Amplified Study Bible. You can check it out on Amazon by clicking here

Related Video: SOAP Method Bible Study

2) Chronological Bible Reading Plan

The next essential item I recommend is a Chronological Bible Reading Plan. 

I believe that every Christian should read the entire Bible at least once in their lifetime. I think it should be one of their top items on their bucket list. 

If you are a Christian, you need to know what’s written in the book that guides your faith.

How can you say you believe the Bible if you have never read it? 

Did you know that the Bible is not organized in a chronological manner? 

It was actually organized or compiled based on subject matter. So all the historical books are grouped together and it’s the same for the other categories like Poetry, The Gospels, The Epistles etc. 

So if you want to know how things happened from the beginning to the end, you need a chronological Bible reading plan to help you do that. 

You can find a FREE Chronological Bible Reading Plan on the Bible Study Tool Website. Click here to see the plan. 

Recommended Blog Post: I Read The Entire Bible. Here’s What I Learned.

3) Bible App

I believe that every Christian should have a physical Bible. 

However, the reality is that some people find it difficult to carry the physical Bible with them all the time. And that’s where a Bible app comes in handy. 

You can easily download a free Bible app from the app store on your phone. And you can choose an app that has multiple translations. 

I recommend an app with multiple translations because reading different translations can help with comprehension. 

When you have the Bible app on your phone, you can easily read the Bible throughout the day whether you are at: 

  • School 
  • Work 
  • Lunch Break 
  • The Train/Bus Station 
  • The Park

It can even be helpful if you get the opportunity to evangelize or share your faith on a random day. 

4) Bible Study Journal

A Bible Study Journal is a great item that will help you to keep a record of what you learn during your personal Bible study time or with a small small group. 

I know you think you will remember everything but we often forget things as times go by. 

Having a journal will allow you to have a record that you can go back to months or years later. 

Your journal can be a simple hardcover notebook like what you used in school or it can be a fancy journal specially designed for that.

It’s up to you to decide what you want. 

5) Stationery

If you have a journal, you will also need stationery. 

So you will need things like: 

  • Pencils
  • Pens
  • Highlighters
  • Markers
  • Stickers (optional) 

You can use these items to make your personal Bible study time fun, enjoyable and colourful. 

I found a Bible Study and Journaling Supplies Kit on Amazon. You can click here to check it out. 

6) Prayer Journal 

The next essential item on this list is a…..Prayer Journal!!!

Your prayer journal can be a simple hardcover notebook or you can purchase a fancy book designed for prayer journaling. The decision is up to you. 

A prayer journal is a notebook that you can use to keep a record of prayer requests and answers. 

This can really help to strengthen your faith in God as you look back at the times that He has made a way for you. 

I like to also keep a record of the times God showed up for me even when I didn’t pray. 

Here is a prayer journal you can check out on Amazon.

Related Article: What Should You Write in Your Prayer Journal (+Prompts)

7) Prayer & Accountability Partner

A prayer and accountability partner is not a thing but this person is definitely a must-have for Christian women. 

Your prayer partner can be your accountability partner. And I think it’s a good idea when your prayer partner is also your accountability partner because they can pray for you in your area of weakness. 

Ask the Lord to help you choose this person. And make sure that the person is a Christian and that she is trustworthy. 

Avoid choosing a male as your prayer partner and accountability partner because you will have to share personal details that may foster a romantic bond. This can lead to sexual immorality so be very careful. 

8) Church Family

A church family is also a must have for every Christian girl. 

It is true that a relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship that you can ever have. 

But that doesn’t mean that you don’t need other relationships. You need to be among other believers so you can be encouraged (Hebrews 10:25). 

I used to think that all I needed was a relationship with God, my Bible and prayer time. But eventually, I realized that I need a church family to grow spiritually. 

9) Christian Music Playlist

A Christian music playlist is a truly helpful item on this Christian journey. 

Sometimes, you just need to listen to some Christian music to help you when you feel sad and discouraged. 

If you already have a playlist, you can easily press “play” and start singing along. 

If you have a Google account, you can go to YouTube and create a personal playlist. Make sure you choose the option to make the playlist “Private” if you don’t want it to be public. 

10) The Purple Book

One of my top Christian Girl Must Haves is The Purple Book. This is a book that is great for new Christians. 

But it can also help you if you’re not familiar with the fundamentals of Christianity. This will help you to know the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and equip you to share them with others.

So this is a good book if you want a solid grip on Biblical foundations or if you want to build strong disciples. 

Some of the topics covered in this book are: 

  • Sin 
  • Salvation 
  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Prayer 
  • Worship 
  • Generosity 
  • Evangelism 

You can click here to learn more about The Purple Book and to see the price on Amazon. 

11) I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist

The last item on the list of Christian Essentials is a book that I read. This book is titled I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist

This book is especially great for those who want to:

  • Build their faith in God 
  • Want to learn more about Christian Apologetics
  • Want to evangelize to agnostics and atheists 

This book will also help you to understand more about the Christian faith so you can be grounded and ready to give an answer for your beliefs. 

You can click here to learn more about the book and to see the price on Amazon. 


In this article, I shared 11 essentials for every Christian Girl. There are definitely more things that could be added to this list but I think this is a good place to start.  

Remember the aim is about getting closer to Jesus Christ not about accumulating stuff or experiences. 

I also want you to remember that you have to use the things on this list to get the benefit.

It’s not good enough to just buy the Study Bible, prayer journal or book. You have to open them and use them to get the benefits.

Is there anything that you would add to this list? I would love to see it in the comments below. 

Also here is a video on ways to spend more time with God even if you’re busy.