Purpose & Productivity

  • Why Your Support System Is Important for Success


    Ever wondered why some people succeed and others don’t even in similar circumstances? Success is the sum of many factors but there is one key factor that I want to focus on. Think about two men venturing into the world of entrepreneurship or two college students embarking on a journey of higher learning. What will be […]

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  • Are You Focused On Being Busy Or Productive?

    rejoicing-with-purpose-Focus on being productive instead of busy

    “I’m too busy” “I have so much to do” I am sure you have heard those statements before. And maybe you have used them a couple of times too. But does being busy make you productive? So you need to focus on being productive instead of busy. Keep reading to find out the difference and […]

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  • Did You Know That Taking Care Of Yourself Is Productive?


    Did you know that taking care of yourself is productive? You may have been hearing the term “self-care” a lot lately. You may even be wondering what is self-care and why is it important. Well, in this post, you will get the answers to those questions along with the 5 amazing benefits of self-care that […]

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