
I remember the first time I had a strong desire to find my purpose in life. I wanted to be intentional about the way I spend my time on Earth. 

At the time, I had just learned about the Gospel of Salvation and I was excited. I grew up with a legalistic mindset of Christianity so I didn’t really enjoy being a Christian in my younger years. 

Then I realized that Christianity is about liberty, not legalism. So now I wanted to use my freedom to share the gospel, to fulfil my purpose and to encourage others to do the same. 

That desire led me to start this blog to:

  • Help others to grow in their relationship with God 
  • Encourage and empower others to live purposefully and productively

I was Rejoicing because of the freedom I found in Christ and I wanted to live With Purpose and encourage others to do the same. Hence the name of the blog: Rejoicing With Purpose. 

But before I could help others to live purposefully and productively, I had to find out what my purpose was. So I started my journey of finding purpose.

It was confusing and difficult at first. I wasn’t sure where to start or how to go about doing so. Today I have a much clearer sense of purpose and direction for my life.

Looking back, I can identify 3 reasons why it can be so hard to find your purpose in life. 

Let’s look at those reasons and hopefully, you will gain new insight that will help you to find your purpose. 

Why Is It So Hard to Find Your Purpose In Life

We all want to know that our life has a purpose and that we matter. 

As a result, every now and then, we can’t help but wonder “What’s my purpose?”

But why is it so difficult to find purpose? Here are 3 reasons why it’s so hard to find your purpose in life.

1) You’re looking for your purpose in the wrong places

Can you recall a time when you were searching for an item but you just couldn’t find it? Maybe it was lost keys. You may have been looking for those keys in your house but they were actually in the car. 

Or maybe you were looking for a particular spice or baking ingredient in the grocery store. You probably thought that it would be in aisle 3 but it was stacked on the shelves in aisle 5. 

If you’re looking for something in the wrong place, you will never find it because it’s not there. 

Similarly, if you’re looking for your purpose in the wrong places, you won’t find it. 

When you’re searching for your purpose, where are you looking? 

If you really want to find your purpose then you need to look in places that will provide Biblical truth to help you navigate the journey.

The Bible helps us to know God’s will and plan for our lives so we have to make reference to it. That’s the starting place to find purpose and direction for your life. 

2) You don’t have a practical guide to help you navigate your way to purpose

Have you ever tried to find a new or unfamiliar place without a map or GPS? It was quite difficult, right? 

You didn’t really know where you were going and what signs to look out for. 

Likewise, it can be quite difficult to find your purpose in life when you don’t have a practical guide to help you. 

Whenever you’re trying to find something, it’s always great to have a guide. A guide or map can help to save time and energy and also prevent you from getting frustrated or giving up. 

When I was searching for my purpose, I realized that there was a lot of information but it wasn’t in a step-by-step manner. 

I had a lot of information but I still didn’t know my purpose. 

Information is great but when you don’t know how to apply it, you won’t see any results. 

That’s why you need step-by-step guide with practical exercises to help you find your purpose so you can start taking action. 

That will be a game changer that will help you navigate your way to purpose with much more ease. 

3) You are still holding on to myths that keep you stuck and stop you from walking in your God-given purpose

Did you know that your beliefs can lead to stagnation or success? 

What you believe can greatly affect your ability to find your purpose in life. 

False beliefs are major obstacles that stop you from finding your purpose in life. 

That’s because your beliefs will determine what actions you take and which direction you choose. 

If you have the wrong concept and beliefs about purpose, then it will be hard to: 

  • Find the path that leads to purpose
  • Recognize that you have found it
  • Walk consistently on that path

As a result, if you want to find your purpose and walk in it, you have to address your beliefs and make sure that you know the truth. 

That’s why you need to be aware of the myths that can keep you stuck and then learn the truth. 

Looking back, I realize that myths were big obstacles that made it very difficult to find my purpose in life. 

That’s why I created a FREE Micro-ebook to share 3 myths that can keep you stuck and STOP you from walking in your God-given purpose. 

It’s time to expose those myths and learn the truth so you can start taking action today and fulfil your purpose.  

If you are ready to know 3 myths that can keep you stuck and stop you from walking in your God-given purpose, then make sure to download my FREE Micro-Ebook called Purpose Myths.



I want you to remember that your life has a purpose even if you don’t know what it is now. It may seem difficult to find your purpose but it’s not impossible. 

God created you for a reason and your life matters. You can make a valuable contribution to the world. 

Remember if you want to find your purpose, you have to:

  • Look for it in the right places
  • Have a practical step-by-step guide 
  • Debunk the myths that have been keeping you stuck.

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