
Do you have a journal but most of the pages are blank?

Maybe you want to write and enjoy all the benefits but you’re just not sure where to begin.

No worries…because in this article, I’m sharing with you tips, benefits and writing prompts that will inspire you to start writing.

Benefits of Journaling

One of the good things about journaling is that it’s an inexpensive activity. By definition, journaling is the act of writing your thoughts, feelings and observations.

So all you need to start is paper and a pen or pencil. That’s it!

But it’s best if you get a notebook so you can keep all your records in one place so you can readily retrieve and review them. 

You can also keep a digital journal by using your computer or phone but I prefer writing because it tends to be more therapeutic.

Writing will also allow you to do handwriting analysis if you decide to do so for increased self-awareness. 

Some of the benefits of journaling include: 

1) You will become more self-aware of your emotions, desires and needs

This is one of the biggest benefits of journaling because putting your thoughts and feelings in words will give you language to express yourself as well as a greater understanding of your situation and needs.

This increased self-awareness will help you to identify the best solutions for your problems. 

2) It will be easier to identify limiting beliefs

As you write, you will become more aware of the thought patterns and beliefs that you hold dear. You will realize how those beliefs influence and impact you. 

Then you will have the opportunity to decide if you want to hold on to those beliefs or if you want to release them and accept new beliefs. 

3) It can help you to stop worrying

I know what it’s like to have a lot on your mind to the point that you feel stressed and anxious.  I also know what it’s like to overthink everything.

If you’re looking for a simple, affordable way to relax and quiet your mind then I definitely recommend that you try journaling.

You will experience several benefits when you take the time to write down your thoughts and your feelings. 

Journaling allows you to process your thoughts and dig deeper to discover why you feel so overwhelmed. While you write, you may realize that the issue is not as dire as you think. 

Writing will also help you to put things into perspective. Make sure you give yourself enough time to write so you can reflect and write without rushing. 

4) It can help with problem-solving

Writing can help you to clearly identify the real issues and come up with effective solutions and action plans.

5) It can help you to be more aware of your blessings

If you choose to write about positive experiences and express gratitude then you will realize that you have a lot to be grateful for. This can help to change your mindset and also make you happier and more optimistic. 

How Journaling Can Help You To Relax

I have realized that just the act of writing down my thoughts and feelings helps me to feel better and it feels like a weight has been removed. But why does journaling help to reduce overwhelm? I believe it helps because of the following reasons:

1) It helps you to be present in the moment

When you feel overwhelmed, it’s normally because you’re thinking about the future and your thoughts may be running uncontrollably. 

But journaling will require you to stop and think about how you feel right now. It will bring your mind back to the present moment so you can identify your current thoughts and emotions. 

2) It helps you to identify the causes of overwhelm

Once you have identified your current thoughts and emotions then you can dig deeper to find out what is making you feel that way. Once you identify the triggers then you can address the issues. 

The knowledge and insight into the causes or triggers will help you to feel like you’re making progress and it will help you to be more hopeful. 

3) It helps to free up mental space

Once you write down your thoughts, your brain will know that the thought cannot be forgotten because it is recorded in ink.

This means that your brain won’t feel the need to hold on to that thought as tightly so it will let go of the firm grip of that thought and allow new thoughts to flow. This will help you to feel calmer and more relaxed.

4) It’s easier to manipulate words than thoughts

Thoughts are abstract and intangible so it may be a bit difficult to keep track of them and organize or sort them the way you like.

But you can organize words into sentences and bullet points which makes it easier to pick up on patterns, identify problems and devise solutions. 

Therefore journaling can help you to come up with solutions easier and quicker than trying to figure them out in your head. Once you have a solution, it’s highly likely that you will feel less stressed and anxious. 

This will also help you to feel more relieved that you won’t forget something important. So the act of writing will help you to relax and worry less. 

How To Journal To Reduce Overwhelm?

When you’re journaling, try to write like you’re talking to a friend. Don’t worry about grammar and punctuation.

Just allow your thoughts to flow onto the paper without being concerned about penmanship or perfection. Here are some tips for writing in a journal. 

1) Just write 

Write freely and allow your thoughts to just flow onto the paper without restriction. This will allow you to clear up some mental space and quiet your mind since your brain will know that those thoughts cannot be forgotten because they are recorded in ink.

2) Identify the lies and counter them with the truth

Once you have written out your thoughts, identify the negative self-talk, pessimistic sentences and lies. Then counter them with positive statements and the truth.

Encourage yourself using the same words you would tell a friend who is in your position. 

3) Devise a solution and action plan

Think about solutions for the problems you’re facing and make a plan to overcome them

4) Accept what cannot be changed

If you cannot do anything to resolve the situation, then accept that you don’t have control over it. Pray and ask God for His help. 

19 Writing Prompts For Adults

Here are 19 writing prompts that can help you to get started. These prompts will help you with self-care, relaxation, personal growth and self-awareness.

1) What are 3 things that you’re grateful for today? Why?

2) Describe a place that makes you feel relaxed.

3) What makes you feel stressed and anxious and how can you minimize those stressors? 

4) Write about a past challenge that you overcame. 

5) What helps you to feel better when you feel stressed? 

6) Write a prayer about what’s bothering you. Ask God to help you overcome your worries.

7) What can you do to resolve the issues you’re facing? 

8) Who can you lean on for support?

9) What thoughts or beliefs are keeping you stuck? 

10) Write down everything that is causing you to worry or feel stressed. What can you do to eliminate those worries?

11) What would a self-care day look like for you?

12) What has been stopping you from moving forward or taking action?

13) What are 5 things that make you happy and how can you incorporate them more in your life?

14) What activities, tasks or commitments are adding unnecessary stress to your life?

15) What is one change you can make to reduce your stress levels?

16) Write out Bible verses that give you hope and strengthen your faith in God

17) What is your life purpose?

18) Which area of your life do you want to improve?

19) What contribution do you want to make to society?


Journaling is a great activity because it helps you to declutter your mind, free up mental space and devise effective solutions for your problems. 

It can also help you to get clarity and become more self-aware of your thoughts, feelings and needs. This will help you to know what kind of attention and self-care is right for you. 

The good thing about journaling is that you can start right now. All you need is a pen and paper or you can even start with your phone or laptop.

I really hope you will experience the benefits as you follow these tips. 

And if you’re looking for ways to overcome fear and anxiety Biblically, then make sure to check out this video where I share effective tips that will help to renew your mind and transform your life.