
Over the years, I have spent quiet time with God in various ways. The way I spend time with God varies depending on the season of my life.

During the earlier years, I referred to quiet time as devotions and I still do that a lot now.

If you have never heard the term “quiet time with God” let me tell you what it is.

It is the dedicated one-on-one time that you spend with God preferably in an area where you won’t be distracted.

It is usually time that is set aside daily to spend time reading the Bible and praying.

Now that you know what it is, let’s get started by talking about the importance of spending time with God. Then we can talk about the benefits and how to spend time with God alone.

Why is Quiet Time with God Important?

Spending alone time with God is important because it helps you to know Him more.

Think about the close relationships you have in your life. This may be the relationship with your mother, father, sibling, spouse, best friend or co-worker.

How did you develop a close relationship with these persons?

Take a minute to think about it.

As you think about it, you’ll realize that the relationship grew as you spent more time together. It went beyond just knowing their name and their favourite colour.

You started to understand what they like, what makes them laugh and what upsets them.

Also you started to realize that you have things in common and you became more aware of their character. You felt loved, cared for and understood.

The depth of the relationship is dependent on how much you know and understand each other.

And the best way to get to know someone is to spend time with them.

Therefore the importance of quiet time with God is getting to know Him as your Father and friend. The more you get to know God, the more you will trust Him which means you will have more faith in Him.

Remember faith pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).

Here are some benefits of spending alone time with God.

Benefits of Alone Time with God

  1. Your faith in God will grow
  2. You will have more peace
  3. You will have more joy
  4. You will have more direction in your life
  5. You will know God’s will for your life
  6. You will know the voice of God
  7. You will desire to please God more than your flesh

How to Spend Quiet Time With God

1) Choose a time to meet with God

The first step is to choose a time to meet with God.

It’s best to choose the same time every day because this will help you to be consistent.

Think about it like a date with God. You both know that this is your special time to bond and grow closer.

Many people tend to choose a time in the morning because they want to start their day with God and keep Him first place.

And in Mark 1:35, we see one example of Jesus praying very early in the morning before daylight.

Early morning is also a great time because you tend to be more alert and there tend to be fewer distractions.

However, morning may not be the perfect time for you because of your schedule. So choose a time that you can stick to and commit to meeting with God at that time.

2) Decide what materials you will need for your quiet time

The next step is to decide what materials you will need so you can have them ready for devotion.

The materials that you need will depend on what you plan to do. Here are some materials you may need:

  • Bible
  • Music Player
  • Journal
  • Pens, pencils and highlighters
  • Devotionals
  • Bible Study Sheets

3) Choose a place to meet with God

The next step is to choose a place to meet with God.

Normally, the place you choose is in your house or in the backyard.

You can choose a different place each time if you prefer to be spontaneous or you can choose the same place if you like routines and consistency.

It’s best to get up out of the bed just to ensure that you don’t go back to sleep while having your quiet time.

So you can choose to sit at a table in your bedroom, in the living room or in the kitchen.

You can even choose to go to a park or anywhere else that is quiet and convenient.

4) Create a quiet time routine or choose to be spontaneous

You can choose to create a routine so you know exactly what to do each time or you can choose to be spontaneous. Here are some activities that you can include in your one-on-one time with God.

  • Read the Bible
  • Study the Bible
  • Sing praise and worship songs
  • Pray out loud
  • Listen to God
  • Journal your prayers and what God is saying to you
  • Meditate on the Word
  • Mediate on the goodness of God
  • Read a devotional

I prefer to stick to a routine so I created one. Here’s my routine

My Routine

  1. I start my quiet time with worship music because it helps me to get in the frame of mind for worship. I listen to 1-3 songs and sing along.
  2. Next, I spend time praying (which includes thanksgiving and praise)
  3. Then I read the Bible and meditate on what I’m reading
  4. Then I may pray again

My routine is very simple but I like it that way.

You can choose to do more like studying the Word or journaling.

Here are two examples of quiet time routines that you can use.

Routine #1

  1. Pray (include praise and thanksgiving)
  2. Study a passage in the Bible (You can use the SOAP Method)
  3. Journal what the Lord is revealing to you

Routine #2

  1. Sing praise & worship songs
  2. Meditate on the goodness of God
  3. Pray out loud
  4. Listen to God
  5. Journal what God is saying to you
  6. Read a chapter in the Bible

You may realize that each of these routines includes reading/studying the Bible AND praying.

This was deliberate because reading/studying the Bible helps you to know God more and to know His will. Prayer was also included because it is important to talk with God and to listen to what He has to say.

You can also spend quiet time with God multiple times throughout the day.

Even though you may have a set time to meet with God in the morning, you can meet with Him in the evening.

During the evening time, you may choose to share the details of your day, record a prayer in your journal or just sit in silence.

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Quiet Time with God Quotes

  • “Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue. God’s voice in response to mine is its most essential part.”  Andrew Murray

  • “Time spent alone with God is not wasted. It changes us; it changes our surroundings; and every Christian who would live the life that counts, and who would have power for service must take time to pray.” M. E. Andross

  • “Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.” Corrie ten Boom

  • “Ten minutes spent in the presence of Christ every day, aye, two minutes, will make the whole day different.” Henry Drummond


The way you choose to spend time with God is up to you and your creativity. Make it fun.

Try new places and try some of the ideas listed above. You can even choose to draw or paint during your quiet time.

Remember spending alone time with God is important because it helps you to get to know God as your Father and friend. The more you get to know Him, the more you will trust Him. 

Click here for free Bible study sheets that you can use in your quiet time. They are based on the SOAP Method which is a simple study method that is beginner-friendly. You can also use it for devotional journaling if you like.

Here are 5 ways to spend more time with God even if you’re busy.