“What’s my purpose?” 

I’m sure that’s a question you have asked yourself before. 

You want to know how you can make a difference and what direction you should be heading in. 

So you have been looking for answers. 

You’re not the only one. 

Did you know that most people want more meaning and purpose in their life? That’s something that they are always searching for. 

But I know that as someone who believes in God, you want to know how to find your purpose in life through God. 

Well, I must applaud you for doing so because that’s the first step to finding your purpose. 

There are also a few other steps that you can take to finally discover why you’re here and how you can have a purpose-driven life. 

In this article, I’m sharing with you those steps. 

How To Find Your Purpose In Life Through God

Here are 4 steps that you can take to find your purpose in life through God. 

1) Have a Relationship with God Through Jesus Christ 

The first step is to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. God is your Creator so only He can tell you why He made you. 

That’s why you need to have a relationship with Him. And you do that by first believing that Jesus Christ died for your sins and that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9-13).

Once you have done so, then you can start to cultivate an intimate relationship with God. And you do so by spending time reading the Bible and praying. 

These are two of the main ways that we communicate with God and nurture the relationship. 

Remember God is your father and He wants you to communicate with Him. 

Think about the relationships that you have with your friends and family. 

How do you maintain those relationships? How did you get close to those people? 

If you think about it, you will realize that it’s because you communicate with them on a regular basis. 

So if you want to have a close relationship with God, you have to spend time with Him so you can get to know Him. 

2) Search and Study the Scriptures

The next step is to search and study the Scriptures. 

If you want to know the will of God then you have to look in the Bible to find it because that’s where He will reveal it. 

Take some time to explore what the Bible says about purpose and meditate on those verses. 

We can also learn a lot about God and fulfilling purpose from the experiences and encounters that are recorded in the Bible. 

So take some time to read the Word and study the lives of people in the Bible who fulfilled their purpose. 

3) Ask God Through Prayer 

If you want to find your purpose, you can ask God to reveal your purpose. 

And you do so by praying. You can talk to God about anything. 

He wants us to ask Him these questions that bother us. 

And He wants to reveal the answer to you. 

So if you want to know your purpose, just say a prayer right now and ask the Lord to reveal it to you. 

Remember God is your father and He wants to have direction for your life. 

There is one key thing that I want you to keep in mind though. Whenever you pray, remember to listen. 

So whenever you share your request with the Lord, sit in silence and listen to what He has to say. 

You can also try journaling in a notebook to keep a record of what the Lord is revealing to you. 

This will help you to have a written record that you can make reference to on a regular basis. 

4) Serve In Your Church

The next step is to serve in your church. 

If you don’t know what your purpose is then I would advise you to start serving in your church. 

In what areas does your church need a helping hand? Think about it. 

If you’re not sure, speak to your Pastor, the Pastor’s wife or any other leader who is knowledgeable about the management of the church. 

Then you can choose to help in the area that sparks your interest. 

As you serve, you will be making a contribution and you may discover exactly which direction you should be heading in. 

5) Use Biblical Resources Like The Purpose Roadmap

The final step we will look at is using Biblical resources. 

I know that as Christians, a lot of time we want to hear an audible voice from God telling us exactly what to do. 

We don’t want to take the wrong path. We don’t want to fail and we don’t want to waste time. 

So we want certainty. We want to know without a shadow of doubt exactly what our purpose is and what we should be doing with our lives. 

Some people may even want to find their exact purpose in the Bible. 

They would love if they could see something like: 

“Tina should be a Math Teacher at ABC High School.”

Unfortunately, you won’t get such specific instructions with your name attached to it. 

But you can use Bible-based resources to help you find purpose and direction for your life. 

Sometimes God works through people to give you answers. That means you can get answers by talking with a counsellor or a coach. 

You can also get answers from courses or books. 

These are great ways because you get to learn from others who took the journey already. 

For example, I remember when I was searching for my purpose, it was quite difficult. But after studying the Scriptures, addressing limiting beliefs and doing some introspection, I found my purpose. 

I learnt several lessons along the way and I decided to share them in my ebook, The Purpose Roadmap. 

It’s a Biblical Guide and Workbook to find purpose and direction for your life. You can learn more by clicking here

Recommended EBook: The Purpose Roadmap – A Biblical Guide and Workbook To Find Purpose & Direction For Your Life


If you really want to find your purpose, then make sure you follow the steps that I listed in this article. 

Don’t just read the steps. Make sure you put them into action.

Here is a recap of the steps: 

  • Have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ 
  • Search and study the Scriptures
  • Ask God through prayer 
  • Serve in your church 
  • Use Biblical resources like The Purpose Roadmap 

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