
Have you noticed that your mood changes when you’re hungry? 

Now think about how you feel when you eat just the right amount of food. You tend to feel good and you may even feel a bit sleepy, right?

That’s proof that your diet can affect your mood. Some foods can contribute to feelings of anxiety while others will leave you feeling calm and relaxed. 

But the impact of particular foods may vary for each person so it’s best if you pay keen attention to how you feel after eating specific types of food. 

You can make a note of your observations on your phone by using a note-taking app or you can keep a physical food journal or diary.  

In this article, I am sharing with you some of the foods that helped to reduce feelings of anxiety as well as foods that made me feel anxious. 

I want to make it clear that these foods don’t cause anxiety but they can worsen or improve symptoms of anxiety. 

Let’s start with the foods that helped me to feel better. 

Foods That Reduce Anxiety 

There are two main types of food that helped me to feel better when I experienced symptoms of anxiety: complex carbohydrates and foods rich in tryptophan. 

Complex Carbohydrates

Have you realized that you feel more relaxed or even sleepy when you eat complex carbohydrates such as brown rice or whole wheat bread? 

Well, researchers believe that complex carbohydrates help to increase the serotonin levels in your brain and that’s why you tend to feel calmer after consuming them. 

Serotonin is a chemical in your brain that helps to regulate your mood. It helps you to feel happier, calmer and more emotionally stable. 

And studies have shown that there is a relationship between serotonin levels and mood.

Interestingly, low serotonin levels have been linked to increased feelings of anxiety and depression. 

So make sure you consume complex carbohydrates at meal times to help boost your serotonin levels. 

Here are some sources of complex carbohydrates: 

  • Whole wheat bread
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Yam
  • Lentils
  • Kidney beans
  • Oats
  • Pumpkin
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots

Foods Rich in Tryptophan 

Have you ever heard about tryptophan? 

Well, it is an essential amino acid that is necessary for the production of serotonin in your body. 

And remember serotonin is that chemical that helps to regulate your mood and it makes you feel happier and calmer. So if you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety, then serotonin is something that will help you to feel better. 

But your body cannot make tryptophan so you have to consume foods that contain this essential amino acid. 

Here are some sources of tryptophan:

  • Chicken 
  • Turkey
  • Tuna fish
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Beef
  • Oats

What Foods to Avoid For Anxiety? 

You may be wondering what foods to avoid for anxiety. Well, here are some foods that may trigger feelings of anxiety.

Simple Carbohydrates 

Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy for the body. They can be further classified into simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. 

Simple carbohydrates are refined and tend to be limited in vitamins, minerals and fiber. 

They are absorbed quickly in the bloodstream and raise the blood glucose levels causing a boost in energy or a ‘high’.

This sudden rise in blood glucose then triggers the release of insulin which is a hormone that regulates the concentration of glucose in your bloodstream. 

The release of insulin will result in a sudden drop in the blood glucose as it is regulated which will cause a crash or ‘low’.

This quick change in blood glucose can result in mood swings, jitters and feelings of anxiety. 

So reducing your intake of simple carbohydrates may help to reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Here are some examples of simple carbohydrates:

  • Chocolate
  • Candy
  • Soda
  • Pie
  • Cake
  • Cookies
  • Ice cream

Caffeinated Beverages 

Caffeine is a stimulant so it helps you to be alert. It can also increase your level of adrenaline which is the hormone responsible for your ‘fight or flight’ response. This increase in adrenaline can increase feelings of anxiety. 

I realized that after consuming caffeinated beverages such as coffee and energy drinks, I feel jittery. So I decided to eliminate them from my diet and I felt much better. 

If you drink coffee and energy drinks to keep you alert then you may want to try alternatives such as tea and green juices and smoothies.

You can also develop a night routine to help you wind down and increase the quality and quantity of your sleep. 

And if you find it difficult to fall asleep because of anxiety, make sure to check out these 10 tips to help you have a more restful sleep.

Recommended Article: What to Do If You Can’t Sleep Because of Anxiety?

Recommended Video: Tips To Be A Morning Person


There are several chemicals like serotonin and dopamine in your brain that help you to feel happy and relaxed. 

But excess consumption of alcohol can affect the level of these chemicals which may result in you feeling anxious and depressed. 

Alcohol is also a diuretic which means it may cause you to urinate more than usual. 

This frequent urination can lead to dehydration. And dehydration has been linked to increased feelings of anxiety and may even result in dizziness and lightheadedness. 


Key Tips To Keep in Mind

I noticed that some habits and choices also affected my level of stress and anxiety. Here are some tips that may help you to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. 

a) Have Regular Meal Times

You may have realized that when you’re hungry, you tend to experience more symptoms of stress and anxiety. 

So your heart may start racing or your palms may become sweaty. You may even become more agitated and irritable. 

That’s because when you’re hungry, your blood sugar may drop. Your body will then try to raise your blood sugar and as a result, adrenaline will be produced. 

Adrenaline is a hormone that is also known as the ‘fight or flight’ hormone and it helps you to prepare for stressful or dangerous situations.  

So this hormone can cause you to experience the symptoms that are typically associated with anxiety like a racing heart and sweaty palms.

That’s why it’s important to have regular meal times to prevent your blood sugar from dropping. It’s also important that you have a balanced meal that is filling so you can stay full for a longer time. 

b) Avoid Excess Consumption of Fiber

Fiber helps to keep you full so it should definitely be a part of your diet. But excess consumption of fiber may affect your mood. 

There was a time when I decided to significantly increase my intake of fiber by consuming more fruits, vegetables and beans for 5 days. I also stopped eating animal products for those 5 days. 

At first, I felt great because I was finally eating healthier but by day 5, I started to feel bloated and jittery and it was difficult to fall asleep. 

So I decided to reduce my intake of fruits, vegetables and beans and I added animal products to my diet and I started to feel better. 

So ensure that fiber is a part of your diet but consume it in moderation. 

c) Keep a Food Diary 

A food diary can help you track how various food items affect your mood. 

This will help you to make informed decisions when it comes to choosing foods that can help or hurt symptoms of anxiety. 

You can make a note of your observations on your phone using a note-taking app or you can use a physical journal or notebook. 

d) Take Enough Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals play a critical role in the body and can definitely help to improve your mood. That’s why it’s important that you consume an adequate amount of these nutrients.  

Once I increased my intake of vitamins and minerals, the symptoms of anxiety were significantly reduced. You can get these nutrients from your diet and you can also take supplements. 

Key nutrients include: 

  • B-complex
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

e) Drink Enough Water to Avoid Dehydration 

Water is critical for the proper function of your body. The adult human body comprises 45%-75% water. 

So dehydration can lead to poor functioning of your body which may increase your level of stress. 

When your body is stressed, you may start to experience symptoms of anxiety such as feeling dizzy and lightheaded and your heart may start beating faster. 

That’s why it’s important that you stay hydrated. Keep a bottle of water on your desk at work, on your bedside table and in your bag. 

And keep the bottle in your line of sight so you can remember to take occasional sips throughout the day. 


Your diet can definitely influence your mood so if you have been experiencing anxiety, then you may want to consider changing your diet. 

I have shared some of the foods that have helped to improve or worsen symptoms of anxiety. But what works for me may not work for you. 

So make sure you pay attention to how you feel after consuming specific food items. Remember you can keep a food diary to help you on this journey. 

Diet is just one of the factors that can help you with anxiety. Here are some other things you can do to reduce stress and anxiety: 

1) Exercise How Exercise Improved My Mental Health

2) Engage in hobbies 27 Hobbies to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

3) Trust God How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety Biblically

4) Improve your sleep qualityWhat to Do If You Can’t Sleep Because of Anxiety?

5) JournalingHow To Use Journaling For Stress Relief

If you are looking for food that is filling and food that will give you the energy that you need to complete your to-do list with fewer interruptions, check out this video I made. I share 7 foods that will help you to stay full and focused. 

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, therapist or a licensed mental health professional hence this information is not suitable for professional medical advice. Do not use this information as an excuse to stop taking prescribed medication.