
Do you find yourself rushing in the mornings?

Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to get ready for work?

And do you want to have more time to savour your breakfast and engage in activities that you enjoy?

Well, if you said yes, then you need to create a morning routine that is perfect for your lifestyle and needs. 

What is a Morning Routine?

A morning routine is a set of activities that you do in the same order every morning after waking up. 

Are Morning Routines Necessary?

The truth is you don’t need to have a morning routine. You can start each day with different activities and do them in a random way. 

Morning routines are popular because some people promote them as a way to be successful. However, you can be successful without having a morning routine. 

Remember success is the achievement of a worthwhile goal and you can slay your goals even if you don’t have a morning routine. 

But if you want to develop healthy habits and have less stress and more order in your mornings then creating a routine is necessary. 

What are the Benefits of Having a Morning Routine?

Here are some of the benefits of having a morning routine. 

1) A morning routine will help to increase your productivity

Your routine can help you to have sufficient time for a healthy breakfast so you can have the energy that you need to perform your tasks and responsibilities. 

It will also help you to use the early morning hours effectively and efficiently because it will reduce the amount of time you spend deciding what to do.

Therefore, you will waste less time because you know exactly what to do and the order to follow. 

2) A morning routine will help to lower your stress levels

You will feel stressed and overwhelmed if you think you don’t have enough time to complete all your tasks and if you think you will be late for work.

Having a morning routine will help you to allocate sufficient time for the completion of your tasks and your commute to work. Additionally, sticking to your routine will help you to remain calm and collected knowing that you’re on track. 

3) A morning routine will help you to develop healthy habits 

Sticking to a customized routine can help you to develop habits such as waking up early, eating a healthy breakfast, exercising and starting your day with the Lord. 

4) A morning routine will help you to be punctual 

If you stick to your routine, it can help you to have sufficient time to get ready for work and to safely commute to your job without rushing.

How to Create the Perfect Morning Routine

The first thing to note is that the perfect morning routine is the one that is personalized to fit your schedule and meet your needs. 

You don’t need to copy the routines of successful people or celebrities. Their lifestyle is different so your morning routine should also be different. 

The perfect morning routine should be simple and easy to follow so you can stick to it and see the results you desire. 

Here are my tips for creating the perfect morning routine. 

1) Identify your why

Why do you want to create a morning routine? Is it because you want more structure for your mornings? Or are you always rushing but you want to have a more relaxed stress-free morning? Or maybe you want to have more time to work on your goals. 

Your answer will help you to determine how you create the perfect routine for you. 

2) Determine how much time you have

The next step is to determine how much time you have to successfully complete your routine. The answer to this depends on what time you wake up and what time you begin work. 

This will help you to decide how many activities can be included in your routine. 

3) Choose the activities that will make up your routine

It’s time to choose the activities that are important for your lifestyle and goals. 

You can choose to have a simple morning routine that only includes essential activities like taking a shower, brushing your teeth and having breakfast. 

Or you can choose to include additional activities that will promote a healthy lifestyle as well as tasks that will get you closer to your goals.

Here are some activities that you can include in your routine. 

  • Take a shower
  • Brush your teeth
  • Have breakfast 
  • Spend quiet time with God 
  • Exercise
  • Read a book 
  • Say Biblical affirmations
  • Work on your side business

Here is a video that shares some morning habits that you can include in your routine. 

Suggested Video: Morning Habits That Will Change Your Life

4) Create a set order for your activities

Now that you know which activities will be a part of your morning routine, it’s time to put them in an order that you can easily follow. 

5) Start following your routine

It’s time to start following your routine so you can maximize your mornings, have more structure and less stress. 

Examples of  Morning Routines

Here are some examples of morning routines. 

Example 1

  1. Wake up at 5:30 a.m.
  2. Say Biblical affirmations
  3. Exercise 
  4. Read a chapter of a book 
  5. Have breakfast
  6. Brush your teeth
  7. Take a shower

Example 2

  1. Wake up at 6:00 a.m.
  2. Pray
  3. Work on your side business 
  4. Brush your teeth
  5. Take a shower
  6. Have a breakfast smoothie

Example 3

  1. Wake up at 6:30 a.m.
  2. Spend quiet time with the Lord 
  3. Have breakfast 
  4. Brush your teeth 
  5. Take a shower

How to Stick to Your Morning Routine

It’s fairly easy to create a morning routine but it can be challenging to stick to it. Here are some tips to help you stick to your routine. 

1) Keep your routine simple

There are many activities that you can include in your morning routine and you will get even more ideas if you look at the routines of others. You may even be tempted to add more activities. 

But the more activities you add, the more difficult it will be to stick to your routine. 

Remember each of these activities require some of your precious time in the morning. If you have a 9-5 job then it’s highly likely that you don’t have a lot of free time in the morning. 

So make sure you choose only the activities that are important and ensure you have sufficient time to get them done. 

If your morning routine is too long then you will feel overwhelmed and you won’t be excited and motivated to stick to it. So keep your routine short and simple. 

2) Create a personalized nighttime routine

If you want to stick to your morning routine, then you need to ensure that you have enough time and energy to do the activities. 

A night time routine will help you to get enough rest so you can wake up on time and feel refreshed and energized. 

If you need help to create a night time routine then make sure to read this article


You can create the perfect morning routine by choosing the activities that are essential for your lifestyle, needs and goals. Remember the best routine is the one that is customized for you not for celebrities and influencers. 

Take some time to think about how you want to start your day, what you need in the morning and look at your goals. This reflection should help you to design the morning routine that is right for your lifestyle. 

If you need help with waking up early then make sure to check out this YouTube video for tips that are effective and science-based.