Purpose & Productivity

  • 7 Self-Care Items To Help You Relax


    Do you feel like you have been working non-stop? Do you feel stressed or overwhelmed? Well, those are signs that it’s time to stop, rest and relax. Relaxation is very important and it should definitely be one of your top priorities.  Why Relaxation Is So Important? Relaxation is important because it helps to support your […]

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  • 7 Foods To Increase Your Productivity


    Think about your typical work day. You sit at your desk and you get the materials you need to start working. You turn on your computer and you decide to complete all the tasks on your to-do lists for that day.  But then you start getting distracted. Your body starts telling you that you are […]

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  • Does It Make Sense To Set Goals If You Keep Failing?


    You set goals, you don’t achieve them and the cycle repeats itself every year so why bother to set them? I know it might be tempting to stop making New Year’s resolutions and stop setting goals for the year. But setting goals is actually something you should continue to do. Why You Should Set Goals […]

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  • Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Compare Your Life to Others


    Have you been comparing your life to others? Well, you’re not alone. As human beings, we tend to compare our lives, especially with our peers. Maybe you feel like your friends are ahead of you and you feel like they are leaving you behind. Or maybe you feel a sense of accomplishment because you have […]

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  • 7 Signs You Need a Time Management Coach


    Do you want to start or grow an online business, a YouTube channel or a blog? Do you want to write a book, or complete your online course or program but you keep procrastinating or you just can’t find the time? Well, those are just some of the signs that you need a Time Management […]

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  • What is Poor Time Management Costing You?


    Have you been feeling stressed and anxious because of your long to-do list and tight deadlines? Do you wonder how you will get everything done without sacrificing your sleep, health and peace of mind? Well, these are just some of the ways that poor time management can affect your life. In this blog post, I’m […]

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  • 27 Hobbies to Reduce Stress and Anxiety


    So you have been feeling stressed and anxious lately and it’s starting to affect your health.  You know you need a way to reduce stress and anxiety. But you want a fun and easy way to do so. Well, hobbies are one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety naturally.  There are several […]

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  • 3 Little-Known Causes of Procrastination


    I found myself procrastinating before I started writing this blog post which is something that I find pretty surprising. Why? Well, I was excited to write about procrastination because it’s something I am familiar with, so I thought it would be easy to write. Yet I kept putting it off. I scrolled through social media, […]

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  • 7 Productive Things to Do While Unemployed


    You know the cycle. You’re desperate for a job then you get a job and you’re desperate for free time. Having been in the same situation, I can now encourage you to use the time of unemployment wisely because it won’t last forever even though it feels as if it will. It is easy to […]

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