Christian Living

  • 7 Habits to Develop Spiritual Growth


    Do you want to grow in your relationship with God? Well, in this article, I’m sharing 7 habits to develop spiritual growth.  But did you know that the first step to spiritual growth is having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ?  God wants to have a close relationship with us as human beings and […]

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  • 7 Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Stress


    If you have been feeling stressed and anxious because of your heavy workload, tight deadlines and very little support, you may be able to relate to the following symptoms: Stress and anxiety are quite common so you’re not alone and you’re not the only one experiencing these symptoms. Fortunately, you can reduce stress and anxiety […]

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  • What to Do When Your Life Feels Meaningless?


    “What am I doing with my life?” That’s a question that comes to mind when your life feels meaningless.  You start to wonder if your actions are really making a difference. You may even start to feel sad and depressed because you’re not sure if what you do really matters.  I know how that feels […]

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  • How to Create The Perfect Christian Morning Routine


    Do you find yourself rushing in the mornings? Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to get ready for work? And do you want to have more time to savour your breakfast and engage in activities that you enjoy? Well, if you said yes, then you need to create a morning routine that […]

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  • What Should You Write in Your Prayer Journal (+Prompts)


    You realized that prayer journaling is becoming popular so you decided to buy a journal so you could start writing. But the pages are still blank because you don’t know what to write. Or maybe you made 1 or 2 entries and now you’re stuck. Well, in this article, I am sharing with you some […]

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  • 4 Powerful Reasons to Trust God All the Time


    Do you trust God at all times or does your faith waver when times get difficult? I know that sometimes when things don’t go as expected, my faith in God gets a little shaky. And that’s when I have to remind myself that God is trustworthy. And I do that by reflecting on His character […]

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  • How To Stop Worrying And Start Trusting God


    There were times when I worried to the point that I thought I would never be able to overcome. But that very thought made everything worse. I tried various methods but I still didn’t have the peace and hope that I needed. Something was still missing so I decided to turn to God for help. […]

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  • How To Spend Time With God Alone


    Over the years, I have spent quiet time with God in various ways. The way I spend time with God varies depending on the season of my life. During the earlier years, I referred to quiet time as devotions and I still do that a lot now. If you have never heard the term “quiet […]

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  • 15 Powerful Biblical Affirmations for Christian Women


    What if I told you that you can dispel doubt, fortify your faith in God and renew your mind using Biblical affirmations? Well, guess what? It’s totally possible because God’s Word is true and it’s powerful! God is faithful and He says what He means and He means what He says. So today, I’m sharing […]

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