
Do you want to start or grow an online business, a YouTube channel or a blog?

Do you want to write a book, or complete your online course or program but you keep procrastinating or you just can’t find the time?

Well, those are just some of the signs that you need a Time Management Coach. In this article, I’m sharing some signs that will help you to decide if you need a Time Management Coach to help you achieve your goals so you can stop dreaming and start enjoying the fulfilment.

Who is a Time Management Coach?

A Time Management Coach supports individuals who want to improve their work habits so they can achieve more goals without sacrificing their well-being.

They help clients plan and organize their time so they can effectively complete their various tasks and daily activities while still prioritizing their health and relationships.

A Time Management Coach also helps clients to master their mindset and maximize their time, energy and focus to increase their productivity.

They help professionals who want to meet work targets or start a side business or ministry. And they help entrepreneurs to maximize their time so they can meet their business goals without burning out.

Signs You Need a Time Management Coach

So how do you know if you need a Time Management Coach? Here are 7 signs to help you decide.

1) You’re overwhelmed by all your tasks and responsibilities

If you have a long to-do list that keeps growing, it may feel like you have too much on your plate. You’re probably wondering how you will get everything done since there are only 24 hours in a day.

The truth is some things on your to-do list shouldn’t even be there in the first place. And that’s why you need to know how to identify your priorities so you can focus on the things that really deserve your attention.

Time Management Coaches will help you to reduce the workload on your plate. They can also help you overcome feelings of overwhelm. Some signs of overwhelm include anxiety, irritability, worry, difficulty sleeping and changes in your appetite.

2) You’re not meeting deadlines

If you realized that you’re regularly requesting extra time to complete your tasks or projects, then you have either a problem with time management or procrastination. This is also true if you’re regularly rushing at the last minute to meet deadlines.

Missing deadlines can affect your professional reputation which may hurt your career or business growth. Regularly missing deadlines tend to imply that you’re not trustworthy or dependable to fulfil commitments.

So if you have not been meeting your deadlines, you need to improve your time management skills and break your habit of procrastinating.

A Time Management Coach can help you to effectively organize and plan your time so you can achieve your goals faster and complete tasks way before deadlines. They can also help you to stop procrastinating.

3) You keep procrastinating

Do you find yourself procrastinating instead of working on your business or work tasks?

Procrastination is not a personality trait or a poor time management issue. It is a habit that you do to avoid experiencing negative emotions associated with certain tasks and responsibilities. So if you want to stop procrastinating, you need to address the deeper mindset issues.

A Time Management Coach can help you to break the habit of procrastination so you can start taking action and being more productive at work and in your business.

Related article: 3 Little-Known Causes of Procrastination  

4) You have no structure for your day

What does your daily routine look like? Do you have a morning routine and a night routine?

Routines help you to create a structure for your life and they boost your productivity and wellness. So routines help you to achieve your work and business goals without feeling stressed, overwhelmed or burnt out.

If you have no structure for your day, then more than likely you’re not maximizing your hours. You end your days wondering where the hours went because you did not complete any important goals. And you probably feel stressed and overwhelmed because your to-do list is growing without anything being crossed off.

If you know what I’m talking about then you need to structure your day to maximize your time. A Time Management Coach can help you to create structure for your day and create routines that promote wellness, productivity and healthy relationships.

5) You’re always busy but you’re not making any progress towards your goals

If you’re always busy but you’re not seeing the results you desire in your professional and entrepreneurial life, you need to take a look at how you’re spending your hours. You also need to get clear on your priorities.

You only get 24 hours each day so you have to ensure that you dedicate some of those hours to your top priorities so you can move the needle towards your professional and business goals. When it comes to your to-do list, it’s not about getting most tasks done on your list. It’s about getting the most important tasks done.

So if you have 5 items on your list and only 1 of them is related to your professional/business goal, then that’s the task that you need to get done for that day. And it’s best if you focus on that task first so you can ensure that it gets done. The other 4 tasks will keep you busy but they won’t help you to see the results you want as a professional woman or entrepreneur.

And that’s why you need to know how to prioritize your to-do list so you can give your attention to what matters most. A Time Management Coach will help you with prioritization so you can make more progress in your work and business and achieve your goals.

6) You find it difficult to focus

One of the pillars of productivity is focus. So if you want to get more done at work and in your business you need to improve your focus.

You will do your best work when you’re able to concentrate on the task at hand without distractions. You will also get the job done quicker because every time you’re distracted, you’re losing time.

Did you know that it can take up to 23 minutes to refocus on the task at hand after being interrupted?

Distractions can take the form of wandering thoughts, various emotions or internal cravings for food. You may also be distracted by notification sounds from your phone, loud noises or even a new idea that seems more profitable.

If you want to meet your work targets and see results in your business, you have to focus so you can complete your projects to fruition. A Time Management Coach can help you to get laser focused and minimize distractions so you can reach your goals faster.

Related Article: Why Your Support System Is Important for Success

7) You know you need accountability

Did you tell yourself that would start working on your book, blog or online business by the end of the week but you didn’t? Or did you promise yourself that you would complete the online course or program by the end of the month but 3 months have passed?

If you keep breaking promises that you make to yourself, you need accountability. As human beings, we tend to fulfil the commitments we make to others because we want to be seen as a person of integrity who keeps his/her word.

So if you have someone to check on you daily or weekly about your goals, then you will be more likely to take action. If you know what you want to do but haven’t been taking action, then you need a Time Management Coach to help you create a roadmap and to keep you accountable.

Next Steps

If you’re a professional woman or entrepreneur and you identify with any of these signs, let’s talk about how you can get more done in less time without sacrificing your health and happiness.

Let’s have a quick, FREE Time Management Assessment Call. Click here to learn more.